• maintainer changed to Thibaut Jombart
  • list_deps() now only checks the report_sources and scripts folders for package dependencies.
  • list_deps() no longer uses the checkpoint package so the dependency has been dropped.
  • Fixed list_deps(), which was broken due to major changes in the checkpoint package, which the function relies on.
  • Option added to create an RStudio project file whilst creating a new factory.
  • list_reports() now looks for both extension .Rmd and .rmd.
  • Added parameter to compile_reports() to allow case insensitive report matching.

Bug fixes

  • Fixes (#74) where files generated within the Rmd were not being copied over to the output folder.

Breaking changes

  • Following user feedback compile_reports() now takes reports as a first argument and factory as the second (previously these were the other way round).
  • Implements slightly less strict folder validation.
  • Fix for CRAN. One additional test skipped on macs.
  • Fixes for CRAN. Pandoc now listed as a System Requirement and code will error if not installed. Check requiring Pandoc have also now been skipped.
  • Initial release